Young Children
The Young Children: Priority One Committee investigates and develops projects that focus on children, prenatal through age five. Projects can address maternal and child health, child care, early development, encouraging literacy, assisting child care and Head Start programs, and building/repairing playgrounds.
Reading is Fundamental (RIF) is a core program. KCCC supports Williamsburg Griffin-Yeats Head Start Center. Head Start programs prove to promote the school readiness of children ages 3 to 5. On Wednesday mornings during the school year, Club members visit the Center and read books to these students. Students, teachers, and parents see KCCC taking an active role in improving the lives of their children. As part of this program, and as funds permit, our Foundation buys books for the Center.
The Kiwanis Kids Idea Studio. KCCC, in concert with the other area Kiwanis clubs, partnered with the Friends of the Williamsburg Regional Library and James City County in the renovation of the James City County Children's Library. The result was the Kids Idea Studio. The public is excited by the bright and airy, family friendly space, the new furniture, children height shelving, reading nooks, computers, toddler area, arts and crafts center, the Studio's market place, and most importantly, the multi-media and science exhibits. The Kiwanis Kids Idea Studio brings STEAM concepts to life positively impacting the lives of our community's children for years to come.